Almost Everyday I have the desire to explore the unknown.  I believe it’s in our DNA to seek out new horizons.  The real estate business is perfect for my DNA.  I like seeing what is at the end of the road and what opportunities may be right around the corner.

Early last month Charlene (my wife) and I were exploring the delta of the Blackwater River on our paddle boards.  We quietly paddled trying not to disturb the mother bald eagle feeding her young.  Around the next bend we saw a number of really cool river houses with their individualized boats.  The red cedar, cypress and long leaf pine trees that line the banks got us thinking we would like to own a little piece of the Old Florida we were experiencing.

Later that day I was on the computer looking at property.  By sunset I was on Richard Lane Road in East Milton looking at waterfront property for sale.  That’s when I discovered the old ship anchors in the yard of a neighbor of the property I was exploring.  Turns out he is a 80 year old boat captain who shrimped the Gulf Coast his entire life.  He told me the stories of catching the anchors in his nets and we shared fishing stories.  We made an offer on the adjacent waterfront property and are closing in a couple of weeks.

I do love the real estate business but it’s not about the real property.  It’s about all the cool people I meet if I keep my mind and eyes open for oppurtunity.